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Stéphane Tétreault

September 14th/Debussy: Forgotten Images

Stéphane Tétreault Quatuor Polymnie

Quatuor Polymnie

January 26th/Beyond Musical Notes

Duo Beauséjour-Dubé

March 9th/The Two Hemispheres

Duo Beauséjour-Dubé Piano à quatre mains

Piano Four Hands

April 12th/Schubert and other gems of the age

Thorwald Jørgensen

April 26th/The Classic Theremin

Thorwald Jorgensen Sylvain Bergeron

Sylvain Bergeron

May 10/Classy Lute

Greats Classics Series Benefit Concert

Benefit concert 2025

May 24th/Christopher Hall and the Comic Orchestra